Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Farewell, Blog!

Well, folks--this is your LAST blog post of the Bridge program! Considering this occasion, I thought it appropriate for each of us to have a goodbye post.

For today's class, you must create your own blog post that reflects (yes, that again) on your experience in the Bridge program this summer. Since this is meant to be a pleasant send-off, try to keep your input positive. I know that Bridge wasn't always a great experience for everyone. However, hopefully there were SOME things you found helpful, meaningful, life-changing. Start by considering the questions below:

-How has Bridge changed your expectations of what college is?
-How has your experience over the last month changed your expectations of Columbia?
-What was the most challenging part of the program?
-What, in your own mind, was the most rewarding part?
-Do you feel like you are more self-aware as a student than you were a month ago? Explain.

After you spend nearly 200 words answering the questions above, use the end of the post to offer a goodbye to your classmates and your teachers. Also, tell us how we can contact you if we want to see how you're doing! E-mail? Myspace? Facebook?

Finally, include an appropriate video or photograph.
Happy posting!

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