Monday, August 11, 2008

Letter to... Yourself!

As we briefly talked about yesterday, you are going to be writing letters to someone very special... YOU!

For today's computer lab session, you are to spend the entire time thinking about and then typing this letter. Begin the letters, "Dear ________ (insert your name)". In these letters, you should address some (if not all) of the following:

-What are your goals for the next year? Be very specific.
-What are you most excited about for college?
-What concerns do you have entering your freshman year?
-Do people have expectations of you? Who? What expectations? Are you concerned about meeting them?
-Where do you hope to be one year from today?
-Where do you hope to be in five years?

Of course, you can feel free to write anything else that you'd like. These should be personal and reflective. Don't just brush this off. Even if you think it is a silly task, which some of you have already mentioned, try to write something thoughtful and meaningful.

Must be a minimum of 350 typed words.

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