Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Holla Back.....Luv Lady G

Man the last day already? It feels like I just wrote the opening blog…. I had a great time in bridge. I learned so much in just a few weeks and it sparked me to want to know more. Everybody in the class… You guys are great. I am happy as hell I had the experience in meeting all of you. I think our class, from what I seen, had to be the best class yet. We all bonded well, trusted each other with stories and our writings, and most importantly was there for each during this academic struggle. Even in math I learned something, and I did some spring cleaning with the cob webs in my brain… fractions, multiplication, even binary GIVE IT TO ME!!! I ll kill them problems… not sure if the binary answers will be right but everything else would be reduce and corrected. Over all the bridge experience was the shit. Not to sound like no lame, but I kinda don’t want it to be over or I just wish school would start sooner. I hope everyone enjoys the last 1 ½ to 2 weeks we have left over summer break, and I hope to be seeing you guys again. If any one wants to chill, smoke; make some songs, exchange ideas, just plain out chill holla at me for real…. E mail me at I am not about to throw my number up here so if you wanna call just let me know. And for Danielle and Aaron…. THANK YOU so so so so so so so much. You guys really helped me out A LOT these past four weeks, to personal issues with that math man all the way to making me a much smarter person (in only 4weeks) you guys should get a raise. I ll call you boss’s over the next week or so make sure that happens soooon. But on some real shit hit me, all of you’s, let me know what’s good, what’s great, and what’s new. Thanks for the memories…….. Lady G

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