Monday, August 4, 2008

Day 10: Jose

In The story Our America Lloyds father chill has an alcohol addiction he says his addiction has been because he worrys about his family and that drinking just makes him run away from his problems.

Are any characters in your books the same as chill? Do they have addictions to something? Do you do something to try and run away from your problems or do you know anybody that does have that addiction? Do you think drinking your problems away or smoking or any other thing realy help you forget your problems? if yes how does it help you?does something good come out of it?


Bubbles said...

Many people in this country suffer from the desease of addiction. Coping with their problems to substance abuse. Solving one problem and creating another. Many don't realize this desease until it's to late. They begin to put that substance whatever it may be at the top of the ir priority list. Over there family, job, and other responsiblities. Like many alcoholics,Chill drinks to gallons of wine a day, but he has really forgotton the true reason why. I guess after a while it became such a habit Chill drank to heal the pain of his drinking and the damage that it has caused. A vicious cycle indeed.

Ryan said...

None of the characters in my book have the same problem as chill. But I smoke myself. I do it to relax. I don't think I have problems to run away from where I have to drink and smoke to forget about it. But in the back of my mind, I might be trying to forget about some incident that I don't want to remember. So maybe I'll just smoke or drink and that problem won't be with me ever again. In reality, that problem might get bigger and remind me in the morning. So I don't think smoking or drinking really helps me or anybody else helps forget the problem for good, just temporarily. It helps because some people have a better outlook on life after they've had their dosage and they might get along with people more easily. Something good may come out of it because it may ease the tension with people that we usually aren't comfortable being around. But I don't think anything good comes out of drinking or smoking problems away because it's most likely going to make the problem worse. If someone isn't willing to handle the problem the first chance they have, I don't understand how it would be easier to handle it the next time around.

Lady G said...

The characters in my book I think do have addictions problems. Every one runs away for that hour, week end, or month trip in the book to do something they enjoy; in my opinion they do it because they feel they need a break in their every day routine. It’s pretty much like a way to vent for them. I can find my get away pretty easy. I can find my break on the train gazing out the window with my head phones on, taking walk ether in the woods with a little green or just walking around the block. For some people I can imagine it’s harder to find their way to breath and cope with everyday situations. Or even hard to find things they enjoy doing. OR how about the typical case… you find things to do that you love and make you feel great…. But you never have the TIME. Just like the charters in the book Stranger than Fiction, they all have everyday lives to attend, but they make time for the Testy Festival every year or the demolition derby. That’s probably the break they wake up every for to get there faster.

WC5 said...

Well the character in my book like Chill is Chill, because I as well am reading Our America. Me my self I have many addictions that I use to escape my problems one is very good for my mind body and soul, the other not see good. See the first one (the good one) is writing when writing I'm complete with in the worlds I create I can change history and bend reality. Say I have a bad day, and not a normal bad day a really fucked up day where every little thing goes wrong. When I sit down a write entering the world I created I am able to make that day play out the way I want it. Make every little things just right. that is if I want to, cause some times after a messed up day I just want to write the most fucked up thing I've ever heard and I've heard alot. This escape that I created releases my angry, sorrow, and sometimes joy. But writing doesn't always help and here comes my true addiction the one that is very apparent when someone looks upon me. When I get sad, down and out and I just want to escape the place in which I have left in to live in I eat, and eat and eat and eat. Don't really know why Its just something I've been doing for years. And allot of times my addictions go hand in hand when I'm writing I like to for some odd reason eat. eat is in some ways much like writing only it last just as long as I stuffing my face. When I'm done I'm back at square one. but when I'm eat for some odd reason there is this bliss untamed happiness that comes with eating 'til I can't anymore. I don't know eating and writing those are my two great addition that help me to escape life and its many problems.

j said...

It seems in Stranger Than Fiction most of the characters have their own problems that they take out through their hobbies, for example the wrestlers would it seem take out their anger or frustrations in a fight. Personally myself I smoke ciggarettes whenever I am stressed to forget my problems. I don't think that it actually makes you forget them. I personally think it's a mental state it puts me in but it helps me set aside my problems for the time being and for some odd reason I think of ways to deal with them that I hadn't before I lit up and put some Sinatra on. Like I said it's a mental state these things put me in, they don't actually make them go away but it helps me deal with them in a better light.

david gerhard said...

Each character stranger then fiction has an addiction. That wasn’t supposed to rhyme. Each story in the book features people who have an out of the ordinary obsession with something. It could be castle building, sex, writing, or tractors. Maybe you wouldn’t go as far as saying something is a full on addiction but there close. What is an addiction? It doesn’t always have to be negative. You could have a figurative addiction to reading or exercising. Most addictions but not all are considered deviant by the “outside.” In the book the people who have these habits or “addictions”, know the public’s thoughts and feelings about them but do them anyway. They don’t fear the consciences for the most part in any aspect. Sure we haven’t met anyone addicted to meth or crack, but those are all addictions in a “habit” sense.

DeannaS714 said...

In the chapter “Reading yourself,” Palahniuk gives a brief description of the home of famous metal artist Marilyn Manson. He begins to describe the attic, he starts describing the stair case and the figures he has collected over the course of his career. Manson is known to be the most controversial, most frightening artist in music. However, Palahniuk begins to ask if this could be a defense mechanism. That is where I start to wonder as a reader, and a fan of Marilyn Manson, if this could be a possible defense strategy. The fearsome music could be a sign that under that white pale skin and black eyeliner, could actually be a man who is a afraid of the world and what it has in store. As for myself my defense mechanism is not shown through music, but through laughter. Every time me a new person it activate a block to my true sensitive self, by making the person I’m meeting laugh. When a person laughs I tend to feel more relaxed and able to start a new friendship with that person.

TEQ said...

well im the one that asked this question, and i reading Our America as you can tell. well chill does have an addiction hes going to keep having that addiction till he dies i dont think he will ever change. i used to be like chiil trying to run away from my problems by getting addicted to something. that addiction was the streets to me i would never be home i would always get out of my house to get away from my problems and i would go and do something like lloyd and lealan did ride the bus till the end. i would always do this i wouldnt go with my freinds because they were part of a big problem and i just wanted to have my own time somedays when i felt i just needed to leave. then that addiction got away and i was in the same situation as chill i drank my problems away and did it help no it made it worst. ive had so many problems in my life that i wont brag about or blame anyone either i just blamed myself. But i saw how i was wating my life thats when i changed and decided it was over i am sick of it i wasnt an alchoholic i knew to what extend to drink but i just used it to run away from my life.up till know my only addiction would have to be music and red bull lol.o yeah and also working hard to suceed.

King Phillip said...

In my book Chill is the character that does something to try to hide something. He drinks because he is having family issues. My Uncle was just like that. My Uncle would drink to avoid facing his problems. When my Aunt died he really took it to heart and really started drinking. Every Friday he would go out with a couple of his friends and drink to 3 o’clock in the morning; knowing that he would have to drive home. My grandmother would sit up and wait for him to come home just to make sure he was ok. One Friday went drinking and the police said that he hit their car backing up. So my Uncle argued with the police officer (knowing he was drunk), the police arrested him. And my awaiting grandmother got a call from the prison saying that my Uncle was in jail. Not only did that hurt my grandmother get hurt so were the other family members. Don’t think that you’re alone. Think about things that you do when you going through certain things not only affect you but other people. Chill and my Uncle experienced that it affects other people too. So watch what you do to make the pain go away!!!
King Phillip

bigboi314 said...

well to me the txt of my comment is going to sound like your because we got the same book and yes the charater in my book are most of the time very chill cause yyou know the life of the city is ruff and cat might take you not been chill as a snitch tring to kill you and the thing you do in the hood will see if you are chill or not cause if you not chill you way die by three way they are by gun cause some one might be treating by you, by overdoseing on some thing cause the stress living there cause, or by beening afriand an not come on side cause severing of lack of food