Monday, July 28, 2008

Answering Phils Q.....

Personally i would say i grew up very fast. One reason why i didnt chose to read Our America was because i knew what the story line was about, and frankly i just wanted something new to read. Born and raised on the south side i just spent 18 years of my life seeing it now in college i wasnt about to read a novel about it. Being exposed to drug dealers, gangs, and sex at a young age in a way gives you an advangtage over some other kids. It depends on the child receiveing that information. Me for example i took my surroundings and learned from them, many other childern may not be as smart with it as i was. Is growing up faster or becoming more mature quickly really that bad? I happen to think not... it helps with descions you have to make on a daily bases. You give a more grown and mature response back.

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