Sunday, July 20, 2008

Day 1: Danielle

This is your first Bridge blog assignment. Usually, you all will be responsible for coming up with the blog questions. However, since we are all new to this experience, Aaron and I will take the reigns for the first couple of days.

Your first blog assignment is to attempt to let us know, as much as possible, WHO YOU ARE. Try to go beyond telling us all of the short answer information: age, favorite movie, most-loved vacation spot, etc. Each day you'll be writing fully developed thoughts on this blog. Attempt to start that process today.

You must:

-Create your own blog post in which you write a 250 word response that attempts to shine a light on WHO YOU ARE as an individual. Tell us whatever you want to tell us. Be creative. Be original. Be thoughtful.

-The title of the blog should be your first name. Look at my example for guidance.

-Include a photograph that will deepen our understanding of what you are telling us. This may not be a photograph of yourself (though it can be), but rather a photograph that epitomizes, as much as possible, what you are trying to communicate.

Happy posting!

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