Thursday, July 31, 2008

My favorite website would have to be mlb website. The MLB website is a sports website for those who dont know that.the Mlb website has to do with baseball thats what MLB stands for. Major Leauge Baseball it talks about every team in baseball from national league to american league. The reason i like this website is because it talks about the highlights of the games. incase i dont have time to see the game i could just check what happened,who scored and everything else.another reason why i like this website would be because if my tv aint workin or something i can alwasy wacth the game on the computer,no its not free. in order to wacth the game yes you have to be a member but sometimes they have free games in which you can wacth it for free. My other reason would be beacaue you can merobilia from every team not just one specific one like if you like other teams also.

My favorite website

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