Monday, July 21, 2008


well i don't know if this is fortunate or unfortunate but i am a very complex person. do whenever you get dressed and not look into the mirror do you already know what you look like or do you just assume you know? well thats how i come to the realization that i don't always know myself. i know the things that i like but i always dont know if thats what i really really like or is it just for the time being. at the momnet my head is always in so many places that its hard to keep up with myself. throughout my life ive ventured off into many different forms of expression. starting at a young age ive been through theater, dance, sports (without being specific), and most recently music. no matter what the confussion ive always known that i wanted to entertain. ive always wanted the big spotlight but every form of entertaiment dosn't have the biggest spotlight that i always desire. i now see that somethings only entertain some people, and my problem is that i always want to reach out to every person possible. i beleive that my most ultimate satisfaction would be able to have EVERYBODIES attention for however long as possible with whatever it is im doing. i dont wanna sound like a dissaticefied crazy guy but thats just whats been going on in my recent mind, who knows whats next..........

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