Monday, July 28, 2008

Since birth I was never forced to grow up because my parents instilled core values that helps me mature and grow. Not saying that I havent been through things that have opened my eyes because I have. Those things didnt force me to grow up they just made rethink where I have been and change some things about me. I have never really been introduced to drugs, I know what they are and what they can do to a person. I do live in a gang territory but i have never had to duck or run because, I knew people in the gang. I live where the B.P.S.N (Black Peace Stone Nation) reside in Chatham. They do shoot at people of different gangs. Im Not saying life for me has been great but i really havent been exposed like LeAlan and Lloyd. I do know crackheads from regular people but I dont know personally.

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