Monday, July 21, 2008


If I were to give a subtitle to this post it would be "Black Sheep." Why, you ask? Born and raised in Dallas, Texas, I had to find every possible attempt available to remove the strange yet intriging image that had been placed to my name. In my neigborhood I was know as " That girl who did that crazy art nonsense." I was a rouge; A person who tried to get her family to understand but had little to no success. I eventually attended Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts. I surrounded myself with people who went through the same situations as I did. My friends were people who stayed up until 6am just to finish a series piece, people who memorized lines 24/7, people who had scars on their feet because they cared so much about what they did. To give a complete short a sweet (no matter how bitter) discription of myself: I would say that I am the girl whose weapons are cameras, pens, spray paint, and paint brushes. I'm always armed.

"The Love a Beauty is Taste, Creation of Beauty is Art."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

1 comment:

Kayla said...

I really enjoyed reading this post. Partly becuase i can relate. growing up and being "different" as in not wanting to be in student coucil or do sports. I wanted to draw and dance and just be comforatable being myself. You did a very good job exspressing youtself!