Thursday, July 31, 2008

William's fav website

My favorite website is Which is a site where indenpendent filmmakers from around the world can premerie their movies. Also a reason I love the site is because I have a Movie on their took forever but I fanilly have one on their. I can spend hours and hours on the site watching film after film. Which range from slient films to short action films that last about five min. as well as full featrues. The best things about the site is you get to see films that take risks that most big corparate films won't. They tackle issues poeple want to talk about but big business hide from. But don't get me wrong some are just good stories others are just damn funny. It's also a great site for networking in and meeting other filmmakers and finding what they think and what they are thinking creativly everyone should go there fuck youtube.
That pic is a promo for my movie on the site, check it out it's under drama, on the last page.

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