Monday, July 28, 2008

Ryan Reed

I have was the captain of my soccer team for the first half of the season. It was homecoming week and everyone nominated the homecoming court. I was voted to be the junior class homecoming prince for the first ever dance at Grayslake North. I decided to take a limo with some friends as it was a very special occasion. My friend, Joe, and I brought some wine in the limo to pre-game before the big dance. A police officer thought we were acting shady and pulled us out of the dance. He breathalized both of us and we got arrested. I was kicked off the soccer team and Joe was kicked off the football team. We were both suspended from school for a week. I learned a lesson because that was a chance for me to stop screwing around. I could have left the soccer program completely and kept drinking and smoking with my friends after school. I made the choice to work out after school and pick up activities that kept me away from the decisions that would tear me down. Since I planned on sticking with athletics for Grayslake North, I was drug tested randomly for the next year. That was the athletic department forcing me to grow up.

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