Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Day 7: Darrion

In our Amercia, Eric Morse was kill at the age of five. by to boys over a piece of candy. in this book that i sone of the many mindless thing that happen. what is one of the mindless this that happen in your book?

have you ever had a mindless moment in your life? if so what was it? how did it feel after you did it


WC5 said...

Have I ever had a mindless moment in my life, hell yeah like everyday. I'm proably the most mindless when I write, Some would say it's a deep state of mind but I feel like i'm not thinking. When I'm in a mindless state I'm in true bliss because I over think every little thing. So not think for a small peroid in time is what I think we all should look foeward to. But in being mindless lets put some thought to it and be mindless alone don't in danger others with you lack of thought. Like the Boys in Our America who killed a boy for not stealing a pieace of candy for them. so it mindlessness is what you desire set your self on fire not anyone else.

TEQ said...

I am also reading Our America, I also agree that is one of the most mindless things that has happened. Killing someone just for a piece of candy that is just retarded and its has no good reason. Have I ever had a mindless moment in my life yes, I have gone thre that moment. well one mindless momnet i gone thre in my life is when i was working in this job i had like 1yr ago. That mindless moment was when i had to fire someone just because they were 1minute late to a meeting. I thught that person wasnt even that late but it was managers rule and he told me i was to tell him that. i told the manager its not even late we have not even started but he told me to do what he asked and i did. I told the guy he was fired he took it very badly he said it was racism but i didnt bother to get involved anymore. i did feel bad doing that because if i was that person position i would have gotten pissed of 2.

Lady G said...

In my opinion there are no mindless moments in my book, because everything happens for a reason and everything has meanings for what’s going on. I’ve had MANY mindless moments in life, but that’s something that just comes with it. After having ONE of your MANY mindless moments, you always think back and ponder on what you could have done differently. Only if you had done it this way or that way it could have came out correct and right the first time.

King Phillip said...

I believe a mindless moment is when you think carelessly. Everbody has those kinds of moments and we have to pay the consequences of that. There was one time when I was a sophmore in high school. I didnt want to do any work and i didnt because, I was lazy. As a result of that my grades suffered and so did my GPA. Me being lazy kept me from achieving a 3.0 GPA and not only was I upset with myself so was my parents. I had let myself fall becuase, I was lazy and I chose to be lazy. I said to myself that i would get lazy again. It has been hard and when I see myself slipping off someone would help me get back on track.

j said...

The one mindless moment in my life that keeps flashing in my mind is growing up how I took my education for grantid how I never believed that my mom was always supporting me and just wanted to succued at life with something I truly enjoyed. I took advantage of that and am lucky I realised not to take it for granted anymore before it was too late. I would say that Chuck in Stranger Than Fiction writes about mindless moments especially within the second chapter when writing about the wrestlers who were taking everything in their life for granted.

ryannfigs said...

I'm sure everyone has had a 'mindless moment', i'm sure that i have had many, many of them. But i can't really think of one off hand. although i do know that when i do have one, and i'm sure everyone does this, kick them selves after and keep asking 'what the hell possesed me to do that?' but after a while i get over it and then just eventually laugh at it. what else are you going to? can't let it bother you forever.

kenaarmay said...

One of the mindless events that happen in Stranger Than Fiction would be the secret life of amateur wrestlers. They go as far as to drain their own ears to get a certain look. This look makes them look deformed but they feel as if they will gain more power by doing so. Its very odd that they would commit body mutilation just to gain more strength in wrestling.
My mindless moments are not as extreme as the wrestlers but what i was doin could've ruined my life. When i began to ditch classes in high school i was heading down the the wrong path. It was stupid and reckless. I regret this one event in life.

Ryan said...

One mindless incident that occurs in The Last American Man is when Eustace is alone in the forest. He was doing something useful with his time and a few hunters asked him if they could use his bullets. They wanted to take down a squirrel hiding up in the tree but they were out of ammo. After Eustace took down the squirrel himself, the hunters left him there. That's what is mindless. They wanted kill the almost helpless victim for no reason. Pride? The idea of hunting animals, to me, is idiotic if you're not going to make any use of it.

david gerhard said...
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bigboi314 said...

When little Eric Morse was kill over a surpd piece of candy that they could of stole there self but didnt. and kill him for nothing.

yes i have like when i jumped off the topp an into the brush or or fell off my friend car

i feel really dumd afer it

david gerhard said...

One time a i band i was in was playing a show in some shitty place. We were being told by the venue that we could not swear or have political messages in are music. There’s one rule i knew i was going to break. i doubted it would really matter if I broke it so I didn’t take much offense too it, cause it seemed like it was just protocol. Most of the bands we were playing with were lesser known bands from the suburbs, therefore didn’t have too much of a draw. One of my personal morals is to always give respect if you accept it back. So me and my band watched the bands and had fun. All the while the main band was bigger then most of us and had a fairly bigger draw. They chose to sit in a room with all there fans in the back of the venue. There were about 35 people crammed into a small room while the band bragged and put on an "acoustic" show. We were second to last so by the time we got on and started playing, the boys in the back started to emerge from there cave of "groupies." And had the nerve to start setting up there equipment around us. So basically I went crazy and trashed everything, mindlessly. including some of there stuff and most of mine. One of the biggest casualties was a 1200 dollar fender mustang. By then are band was known to “break” things. There was no message to it that night it was pure frustration and mindlessness. If I thought about it I would never break any of the things I did and I wouldn’t have created enemies like I did. If you want respect you have to give it first.