Monday, July 21, 2008


Kendall Aaron Mays has yet to land on that target. Well since i was a young child, I was felt I had a unique sense about myself. I was never the typical stereotyped black boy. I wasnt into playing outside in the middle of the street and yelling outside the window of my home to catch the attention of one of my amigos. I was most definitely not caught with my pants halfway off my behind. That was a big " NO-NO" for me.....these reasons are probably some of the factors of why I've always tried to identify myself as being a superior to my seems as if I had hid behind a mask to cover my insecurities that I possessed as a young child. Now as I enter young adulthood...i find myself asking the same questions over and over again.....and those questions Kendall who he wanted to be or is he what they wanted him to be ???????? REALLY puzzles me..and fascinates me at the same time....Most people see me as a strong individual who can i hold my own with the best of the best... but why shouldnt they feel this way...i come off to some people as a snob or " not in touch with the hood aspect of life"...people expect me to behave a certain way because of the preconceived notions they have from events that have surfaced in the past....I sooooooooo want to show people that they dont truly know me. They only know of the side that I've only shown them...and from what I can see...they haven't viewed much at all.

1 comment:

samanthag said...

Why not just be youself and show everyone who you really are? It doesn't matter what people think, if people think you're a snob, let them. You shouldn't be conflicted with who you are because people aren't sure. You need to be you and that's what'll make you happy.