Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
King Phillip aka The Drummer Boi
Honestly I was told that Bridge was to determine if you were ready for college. So I guess if you didn’t pass Bridge you wasn’t ready for college. College is college you can’t really expect too much but when you get in college and you see what you have to do then do it. The most challenging part of Bridge was me actually accepting that I had to attend Bridge. The most rewarding part would be the awards thing on the last day. I would say that my eyes are now to college. I am ready. My email is I always check it. Peace and Keep your head up.
A Valediction to my Fellow student
[This is a monologue that should be read in the form of Leonidous of the movie 300. Enjoy!]
Ode to the Bridge Program that used up all of my precious final summer as an adolescent! You have shown me the ways of the colligate life, and I thank ye for it. My fellow program mates and I have struggled so much in the course of the four weeks. We’ve seen men and women crumble under the pressure, and have been demised due to laziness. My colleagues! This is my farewell message for you and your ancestors!
Do not forget the laughs we’ve had or the moments of love we’ve shared. Do not forget the person next you who always seemed to help you out, or the person on the other side of the room who never seem to care. Our time at Columbia is limited; however, our time Columbia is endless.
When I first spoke to Lynn Levy, she told me Bridge wasn’t for me. She said “Go to community college! Get ready for Columbia in 2009!” LIES!!!!! I proved her wrong just like WE will prove the world wrong! I expected to go in to battle with a shield and no sword, or a mind that wasn’t ready for college. Ha! Is the face of a student that’s not ready for the best Art College in the country? No! THIS IS THE FACE OF A COLUMBIA STUDENT!
So my friends, my family, my loved ones, look around. We see the people that we would see for the next four to five years. Embrace them, remember them, and do not lose contact with them.
A class that endured the pain that we have endured never prospers.
This is not a community college, THIS…..IS……COLUMBIA!!!!!
Facebook: Kendall Aaron Mays
School E-mail: Kendall.Mays@
Yahoo E-mail and IM:
Holla Back.....Luv Lady G
Ryan Reed
Bye Bye Losers Hello Futrue
Bridge Survey
Farewell, Blog!
For today's class, you must create your own blog post that reflects (yes, that again) on your experience in the Bridge program this summer. Since this is meant to be a pleasant send-off, try to keep your input positive. I know that Bridge wasn't always a great experience for everyone. However, hopefully there were SOME things you found helpful, meaningful, life-changing. Start by considering the questions below:
-How has Bridge changed your expectations of what college is?
-How has your experience over the last month changed your expectations of Columbia?
-What was the most challenging part of the program?
-What, in your own mind, was the most rewarding part?
-Do you feel like you are more self-aware as a student than you were a month ago? Explain.
After you spend nearly 200 words answering the questions above, use the end of the post to offer a goodbye to your classmates and your teachers. Also, tell us how we can contact you if we want to see how you're doing! E-mail? Myspace? Facebook?
Finally, include an appropriate video or photograph.
Happy posting!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Letter to... Yourself!
For today's computer lab session, you are to spend the entire time thinking about and then typing this letter. Begin the letters, "Dear ________ (insert your name)". In these letters, you should address some (if not all) of the following:
-What are your goals for the next year? Be very specific.
-What are you most excited about for college?
-What concerns do you have entering your freshman year?
-Do people have expectations of you? Who? What expectations? Are you concerned about meeting them?
-Where do you hope to be one year from today?
-Where do you hope to be in five years?
Of course, you can feel free to write anything else that you'd like. These should be personal and reflective. Don't just brush this off. Even if you think it is a silly task, which some of you have already mentioned, try to write something thoughtful and meaningful.
Must be a minimum of 350 typed words.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Day 12 Chris brown (the real one!!!)
Day 13: Reed
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Day 11: Kendall
-Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club, 1996
Monday, August 4, 2008
Day 10: David G.
Day 10: Jose
In The story Our America Lloyds father chill has an alcohol addiction he says his addiction has been because he worrys about his family and that drinking just makes him run away from his problems.
Are any characters in your books the same as chill? Do they have addictions to something? Do you do something to try and run away from your problems or do you know anybody that does have that addiction? Do you think drinking your problems away or smoking or any other thing realy help you forget your problems? if yes how does it help you?does something good come out of it?
Thursday, July 31, 2008
King Phillip
Day 9: Michael
Day 9: Chris
"Excuse me, can I have a deposit slip?"
My favorite website would have to be mlb website. The MLB website is a sports website for those who dont know that.the Mlb website has to do with baseball thats what MLB stands for. Major Leauge Baseball it talks about every team in baseball from national league to american league. The reason i like this website is because it talks about the highlights of the games. incase i dont have time to see the game i could just check what happened,who scored and everything else.another reason why i like this website would be because if my tv aint workin or something i can alwasy wacth the game on the computer,no its not free. in order to wacth the game yes you have to be a member but sometimes they have free games in which you can wacth it for free. My other reason would be beacaue you can merobilia from every team not just one specific one like if you like other teams also.
My favorite website
Lady G
sub pop
Since the begining of this label its been more DIY then some of the bigger labels out there and because of this there artists have alot more control and say in aspects bigger artists do not.
Ryan Reed
William's fav website
Ryann: Deviant Art!
My Favourite Website:
Deviant Art is just a website where local "low key" artists can share their stuff. A bunch of my friends and I have one and you can see things from pretty much all over[the world]. you can meet people comment on their pictures. and criticism is always very welcome. (what artist doesn't want to make their stuff better?)
Everyonce and a while though you always get that jerk that likes to start a fight with you over the internet about how your stuff sucks. No matter what website you go to you can never stop that, and those people are just dumb. They've tried to fight with me all the time =)
Its just a lot of fun to get a bunch of different opinions on what your art and what not looks like. It's not censored or anything so you can put anything on there. I can't really think of anything else to say why i like this website other then it's a lot of fun. -Check mine out if you want and make your own!
mines not all that great though, I haven't updated it in a long time. just ignore the crap =)
Day 8: Danielle
We write blogs for Bridge, check e-mails like a crazy person and are on MySpace (or Facebook) every free second. We are all a part of an internet culture. For this assignment, I would like for each of you to show each of us where you like to go on the internet.
Please do the following:
1. Create a new blog post in which you tell us about this website and why you like it
2. Include a link to the website in the post
3. Include a picture in your post
4. Be appropriate!
There are a few rules. You can't use Google, Yahoo, MySpace or Facebook. These are common links that most of us already know about. Try to choose something that is unique and specific to YOU!
My favorite website:
What's your?
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Day 8: Ryann
In Stranger then Fiction there is a section that talks about a crew of people that spend a few months, about three, stuck in a sumbarine. Some of the crew members bring things that remind htem of home. One of the "First class" Greg Stone brings a Scooby-Doo pillowcase. He calls it his "Security Blanket" What would you consider your own 'security blanet', if not your 'safe zone'? please explain.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Day 7: Darrion
Day 7: William
Monday, July 28, 2008
Growing up
I am also reading the book Our America. i think that quote is one of the biggest i think because it represents how badly they live. I actualy had a normal child hood i was never forced to grow up quickly. I do remember living in a bad neighborhood but not as bad as Lealan and Lolyd's. I didnt know about drugs or sex or any of those things when i was a child like those kids in his school in the lower grades. but i do remember i was growing up to fast at my age i was just 13 and i started experiencing everything theses kidas are goin threw. I used to hangout wit the wrong crowd and well i was involved in a bad group wich you know wat it is and i was just a dum kid who didnt care bout otin or no one. I dont blame my family i blame myself because i wanted to grow up quickly i was not forced and it was also cuz of my neighborhood it was all me. I actualy look up to these kids because they havent gone threw the wrong path they know what they want and there no trying to get involved in anything. I allways wish i could go back and change my past change evrything. i would like to have a been a better person well i dont think i even called myself a human back then i was just a nobody thats how i see that part of life. Now that i am actualy grown up i think about kids whp are goin threw the same thing i went threw and i wish i could help them but everyone makes their own choice in life its there decision.
David Gerhard
Day 6: Kendall
- Stranger Than Fiction
These words are echoed throughout one specific chapter in my book. It makes you wonder, if we as individuals, have enough time to accomplish all those goals that we have in life. One group of characters in my book has only seven minutes to possibly catch their life dream. But is that really enough time? Are the characters in your book given a great amount of time before the bell finally rings or do they have to make do with the time that is given? Do you feel that you’re given enough time to complete the task in your life? If not, what do you plan to do to make it happen sooner?
Day 6: Jenelle
Broken Home (Kendall)
Response (ryann)
I really don’t know how to fully respond to this, I mean, I didn’t grow up to fast. But I reached a point where it was just kind of like, holy shit, I have to start taking care of myself.
William Colter V
Darrion West
Answering Phils Q.....
Ryan Reed
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Day 5: King Phillip
In Our America, LeAlan and Lloyd was called to grow up quick by the streets and the neighborhood they lived in. A quote that comes from chapter two says. "Cause if you play childish games in the ghetto, you're gonna find a childish bullet in your childrish brain". Meaning that they had to grow up even if they didnt want to. They were forced to grow up by society. They knew about sex, different kinds of drugs, and crackheads. Me personally I really havent had to be forced to grow up. Either it was you grew up or something happened that made you grow up.
Have you ever been forced to grow up? If so, why and how? As a child i was exposed to the "ghetto" or things that LeAlan and Lloyd had experienced but not at the age they experienced it.
***Added by Danielle***
For today, instead of commenting, I would like for you to each create your own blog post. So, you will need to click "New Post," answer the questions Phillip asks of you and then add a visual element (either a video or a photograph). Try to respond in at least 250 words.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Day 4: Deanna
Day 4: David
"People would examine there lives but only in terms of movie and paperback potential. Where a story no longer follows as the result of an experience. Now the experience happens in order to generate a story."
Look at the author for this question instead of the story itself. What connection do you feel the author has to the events and situations there portraying in their books. Where are there motives coming from? A specific question you could ask would be; does my author include the stories and facts to indirectly force a message, or is he/she just observing, and for the most part letting you forge your own opinions?
When you sit down to create art of any kind, do you feel it’s easier to specifically use things that have happened in your life? Or does it come easer to force a feeling or make an event up to convey the message you want?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The Last American Man Discussion
Our America Discussion
Stranger Than Fiction Discussion
Day 3: Darrion
Monday, July 21, 2008
Day 2: Aaron
Darrion west
Jenelle V
choose your own adventure